Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat. Some foods naturally contain gluten. Cereals containing gluten are grains such as wheat, barley, rye, semolina, bulgur, couscous. Oats are naturally gluten-free. However, when it is produced on the same production line with gluten-containing foods such as wheat, there is a risk of gluten contamination by cross-contamination. Gluten can also be added to processed foods. The purpose here is to add binding and taste to the product.
Is Gluten Harmful?
Gluten is not a harmful type of protein. But some people’s bodies react to gluten. The gluten-free diet of such people is important for their health. Who should eat gluten-free?
- People with celiac disease
- People with gluten sensitivity
- People with wheat allergy
For these individuals, a gluten-free diet is a form of treatment. It may seem difficult to implement. This is a little easier now than it used to be. Because the variety of gluten-free products has increased. In addition, it has become easier to reach these products. But it’s important to remember that some processed gluten-free foods contain high amounts of ingredients like sodium, sugar, and fat. Consuming such foods can lead to weight gain, increased blood sugar, high blood pressure. In short, it is wrong to think that a gluten-free processed food is necessarily a healthy food.
Today, many people apply the gluten-free diet to lose weight. Yes, individuals on a gluten-free diet often lose weight. We can say that the reason for this is not to consume gluten-containing processed foods and refined carbohydrates.
When you eliminate gluten from your life without discomfort, you will be deprived of nutritious whole grains, some micronutrients, fiber. Instead, it makes more sense to exclude highly processed foods from your diet. Eating cleaner, better-ingredient foods makes you feel better. If you still prefer a gluten-free diet, make sure to follow it with an expert. Because it will help you replace the nutrients you lost.